homemade quinine recipe

Thank you again for all you do. The simple G&T isn't so simple anymore. Plant%20profile%20-%20Species:%20Cinchona%20sp.%2c%20Botanical%20Family:%20Rubiaceae%2c%20Plant%20common%20name:%20Quinine%2c%20Fever%20Tree%2c%20Jesuit's%20bark%2c%20Plant%20origin:%20South%20America. Combine all ingredients in a nonreactive saucepan over medium-high heat. This is huge support to me and my channel to help me continue to make videos like this to share you guys. Soda makers vary greatly, and some models may be able to use the homemade tonic syrup. How strong or effective this concoction is , I have no idea . The information here is provided for informational purposes only. Measure out 45 ml (1 1/2 ounces) of the quinine tincture and mix into the cooled syrup. Subscribe now for full access. Check your inbox or spam folder now to confirm your subscription. Add more simple syrup to the jar to sweeten it and more citric acid for extra tartness and a flavor boost. Rich in vitamin C, it can help increase the production of white blood cells helping to ward off infections. This should yield about 2 1/4 cups of aromatic water. Cover peel with fresh pure water 3 inches or 75 mm above the peel This is a natural remedy to fight viruses and treat yourself. Three dollars worth of cinchona bark will make about 10 batches of tonic, so it's not too risky to play with different flavor combinations. To me all sumac looks the same, some times I have to count the leaves on the bracket. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook for 45 minutes. Can lemongrass essential oil works as well? Vitamin D we take is with Vitamin K. Vit D3K2: https://www.livewisenaturals.com/?ref=khMbsYpLvitamin D3 helps promote calcium absorption, K2 helps direct the calcium is where it's needed - like in the bones and teeth, not the arteries ( calcification ) and kidneys( kidney stones! Lavender, orange, and cardamom would also make for an intriguing tonic. It likes shady wet areas so it is predictable where it might be found. I was excited to see this recipe since I have an autoimmune system. May God Bless your work and sharing. After 3 hrs your quinine is ready. But you can use anise seeds as well. Juice lemon and lime and add juice to saucepan, along with water, cinchona bark, citric acid powder, lemongrass, and sugar. Bring to boil and than lower the heat. Thank you very much for all your help. For charlie horse muscle cramps my dad swore by milk of magnesia. Do not take the lid off of the pot till it cools completely as this will allow the Quinine to escape in the steam. OK, will now keep the grapefruit rind. This is a project I need to try. Thank you for this article! Can be taken as a tea or from Kulunji oil which is also available on the market. Keep the rest of the quinine tincture in an airtight container (the tincture will keep indefinitely). Tags: Cocktail. A year ago 75% of the sites listed after a search were garbage but it was the same First, it must be remembered that the south was effectively blockaded for most of the war. So you can still drink it. When the pain hits, I hope I can remember to try it. ---- update , On YouTube there is an interesting video made by Mike Reed on using the dogwood tree as a quinine substitute . Tonic water has come a long way from its humble beginnings as an anti-malaria medicine. From the supermarket to the corner store, you don't have to look far to find the usual suspectsSchweppes, Canada Dry and Seagram'sfor under $2 a liter. Get our free book when you sign up for our newsletter. for the most purest water H2O only! They wrote the following. Gentian root is a good bittering alternative to quassia bark. Okay maybe it is a Southern Thing or just my dead humor. In fact I've gone out looking for it a few times in late summer and didn't see it. HCL Supporter. Take the peel only and cut it in small pieces. Quinine from Cinchona tree bark can interact with quite a few medications including: Other people who should avoid it include those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, have liver or kidney disease, have low blood sugar levels, or have abnormal heart rhythms. Bring to boil and than lower the heat. If youre taking any other medication or have any other underlying health conditions you should speak to your doctor to make sure quinine wont negatively impact your condition or medication. (But remember, clear isn't always betterhow much didyoulike Clear Pepsi?) The process of boiling citrus rinds in water isolates a natural chemical compound called limonene, which definitely has health benefits. Something that anyone can make at home. Stay safe and healthy ! When I no longer have fresh, can use the powder to help with D-2 issues. Somehow over time it got in my mind that I had seen wild quinine bloom in mid to late summer. Of course, you can mix your homemade tonic with a plain old gin or vodka. 10 Foods You Should Never Eat if You Have Arthritis. Also contains high amounts of Potassium and a large amount of Calcium and Phosphorus. Peanut, when I told my DW about the thread, she said that Youtube was full of citrus rinds recipes. Club soda typically includes sodium but no sweetener, and that can be used as a substitute without modifying the tonic syrup. Let it simmer for about 2 hours. Citric acid powder, also known as sour salt, is easy to find at most markets, but you can order it online from Amazon, too. Put a lid on your pot. . It claims the bark of the dogwood tree is a quinine substitute. Please let us know if the M.O.M. Its still used to treat malaria but is also popularly found in tonic water. When layer seems stable, gently decant off the clearer liquid without disturbing the sediment mud. It should be about 3 cups at this point; add to this liquid an equal measure of rich simple syrup, mixing well. 2 years ago it was easy to find accurate herbal medicine information on the internet, a search would result in a 50/50 split of good information and garbage. That means I cant eat nuts either. Can you tell me will the stuff I made work or is it taking up space in my freezer for nothing? One star anise pod is equivalent to half a teaspoon of ground anise seeds. Dogwood berries were actually used as a coffee substitute more often than not along with a dozen other berries and nuts. I so miss eating my leafy greens and most produce, raw. I have learned so very much from you. Powered by WordPress & MarsTheme, Look and Feel Your Best Despite Current Circumstances , Look and Feel Your Best Despite Current Circumstances, Michael Jackson Liberian Girl (Music Video), Doctors Talk About COVID 19 (Public Lecture), Its Time by Oracle Films (COVID Short Documentary), Le Huitieme Jour: The Eighth Day (Movie Review). The quantities below will give you 12 portions if you mix the quinine 1 part to 2 parts water/sparkling water. Now add 4 cups of filtered water and give everything a quick stir with a wooden spoon. Quinine may also relieve muscle cramps and improve digestive health. Place the water in the stainless steel pot and . After two hours take the lid off and remove the large pieces of grapefruit, then add 3 tablespoons of Manuka honey and stir to dissolve. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. We Try Every SodaStream Soda Syrup Flavor | Taste Test, DIY Cocktails: A Simple Guide to Creating Your Own Signature Drinks, exciting small-batchginlikeoneofthese. SOMETHING THAT ANYONE CAN MAKE AT HOME.QUININE HAS MANY USES AND APPLICATIONS. If you are not familiar with this great drink it is like an Arnold Palmer but instead of half lemonade and half iced tea a Myron Baggs is half limeade and half tonic water. Trim off the root ends of 1 lemongrass stalk and peel the outer layer off. Could you share where( the best place) to buy the powdered cinchona bark? Lemongrass is another ingredient that can protect against free radicals, reducing inflammation, which is known to be a precursor to many chronic diseases. It especially helps as we get older by reducing inflammation and tissue damage. It is made out of the peelings of Grapefruits and Lemons, but especially Grapefruits. Consult your physician. Do you have an easier/less ingredient recipe for Quinine to just help with charlie horses/muscle cramps? Put a lid on your pot and let simmer for about two hours without taking the lid off. Thanks for the recipe. Add 2 teaspoons of powdered cinchona bark, 2 star anise pods, 2 tablespoons of citric acid, and 1 teaspoon of coriander powder to the pot. PS: KULUNJI Black Seed is a very good source of Quinine and is available from spice shops. (Learn More), How to Make an Immunity Boosting Shot with Celery, Spinach, Ginger, Lemon, and Manuka Honey, 10 Herbs That Kill Viruses and Clear Lungs. Remove from heat and let sit for 20 minutes. IT IS NOTHING BUT QUININE. In the meantime, my teeth had gotten worse to the point they needed to be pulled. Quinine has many uses and applications, it is analgesic, anesthetic, anti-arrhythmic, antibacterial, antimalarial, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, bactericide, cytotoxic, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, nervine. Home Recipe For Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) || homemade quinine || HCQ is nothing but quinine take zinc Mama natural and beyond 70K subscribers 2M views 1 year ago WHAT IS HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE. Refrigerate 72 hours, shaking occasionally, at least once per day. It was a narrow dusty road on a ridge through a large area of clear cut timber. or boil tap water and allow it to cool off with lid off.6. Discontinue as soon as you get better. Homemade Apple Soda With Fresh Apple Juice, Make a Simple Syrup for Cocktails, Coffee, and Other Drinks. Pesticides, bleach, and bacterial toxins are some of the potential things that can have harmful Radioactive elements:Radioactive elements chemicals like uranium, cesium, plutonium are sometimes detected in drinking water. The rest of what we're tasting is high-fructose corn syrup, citric acid, and a preservative called sodium benzoate. You may want to add more once youve tested your batch. Vodka. Put Hydrogen Peroxide In Your Ears To Stop Cold And Flu, Pineapple Juice More Effective Than Cough Syrup, Reduce Wrinkles With Cacay Oil (Kahai Oil), Hydroxychloroquine / Quinine Homemade Remedy, New Study: Ginger is 10,000x Stronger Than Chemo (Taxol) in Cancer Research Model, Teeth Whitening 5 Natural Methods That Work, Smoothie Blueberry Banana Almond Butter, How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar Facial Toner, Flame Retardants In Your Child Pajama, Mattress. Since quinine is a low clearance drug with a relatively historically real quinine used for malaria etc came from the tree bark. These elements can emit ionizing radiation that can harm cells in your body and raise your risk of developing cancer. Please consider making a donation to assist us in what we do if you have gained something from watching any of the videos here. Mix well, and then strain through a paper coffee filter fitted into a strainer (or a filter cone, if you have one) and suspend over a large enough container to accommodate the final volume of vodka. If you take zinc with this recipe, the zinc propels the quinine into your cells for a much faster healing. Thank you for your prayers. Wonder if i can grow it here in the southwest. Owing to its essential vitamins, it is great for hair and skin, helping to prevent signs of aging and stimulating new hair growth. We already used the Mullen leaf and it worked like a charm clearing the respiratory for easy breathing. Stir 1 1/2 ounces (45 milliliters) of the quinine tincture into the cooled aromatics, and then bottle. It is not presented with the intention of diagnosing or treating any disease or condition. Strain out the solids and let the liquid cool. And how much would you use? Being a retired nurse and schooled in man made medicine, its taken some time to re-think the truth that God provided everything necessary to consume and use more Historic ways toward health. But if you're unhappy with the flavor of commercial tonics and like to geek out in the kitchen, DIY tonic is a lot of fun. Need to drink most of my intake. To use this tonic water, mix it 1:1 (in equal parts) with sparkling water or club soda. Here is all you need to do to make your very own quinine: Take the rind of 2-3 already washed organic grapefruits and 2-3 organic lemons. Keep it handy on the night stand and apply it topically to the offending area when you need it. Step 1. Stir 1 1/2 ounces (45 milliliters) of the quinine tincture into the cooled aromatics, and then bottle. . Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover loosely, and simmer for 15 minutes. Dried hops and lemongrass are very light and difficult to weigh in these small quantities. Discontinue as soon as you get better. Transfer to a carafe and chill for two days. For questions, comments, and contributions please leave it in the comments section. this is from my own data research of DuckDuckGo.com and it is up to the individual reading this to do their own research with this information! Seal tightly and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. That familiar bitter flavor in tonic comes from quinine. It can be found in liquid form and capsules. Ingredients 4 cups water cup (1 ounce/20 grams) cinchona bark, powdered (a coffee grinder does this well) 3-4 cups rich simple syrup (by volume, two parts sugar to one of boiling water, stirred. Jeffrey Morgenthaler. This liquid is the tonic syrup (see notes). Star Anise is known to stimulate the immune system. I made this a few days ago and have been taking it to aid in a cold and cough I have been having and slept all night the first day I started taking it so I am very grateful for this recipe. Creating great tasting cocktails at home is easy once you have some recipes. Oh my. Any electronic scale will have a setting for metrics as well as U.S. weights. Regular soda water is unflavored and unsweetened. Place tonic syrup in a sealable glass container and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before use. Click on the following link to read more: Good post! use code: mamanatural at check out to get 5% off https://mypurewater.com/?sld=xingyue0224yahoocom Dont forget to subscribe my channel here : https://youtube.com/channel/UC_8yelVEB4Gh19juqcr1wNw Note: The information shown is Edamams estimate based on available ingredients and preparation. "homemade hcq (quinine) from grapefruit & lemons by: dr. stephen jones . I thought I should post these books while I still can. Zest the lemons and orange and add just the zest to the pot. Will read them & maybe try, but would like to have an answer from Crissy, as well. Steep for 15 minutes. 338 calories; 0 grams fat; 0 grams saturated fat; 0 grams trans fat; 0 grams monounsaturated fat; 0 grams polyunsaturated fat; 92 grams carbohydrates; 2 grams dietary fiber; 85 grams sugars; 1 gram protein; 706 milligrams sodium. My one critic in my family is a believer now! Water will also help other nutrients support your body better by distributing them throughout the body. Strain through a mesh strainer and let cool. Star Anise is also great for your circulation by boosting red blood cell production. Interestingly it said to use the dried bark and not fresh as the fresh might upset the stomach . Medium-sized pot and lid Fine grater Wooden spoon Cheesecloth Fine strainer 2 Containers (1 - to store Quinine mixture in, 1 - to strain Quinine mixture into) Method Trim off the root ends of 1 lemongrass stalk and peel the outer layer off. I am on magnesium and potassium supplements. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Combining the syrup with sparkling water as needed allows you to use the tonic syrup over a longer period of time. 45 minutes, plus at least 1 hours marinating. You may need to add a little bit of water to get the blender to mix it without clogging. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It will also soak up more water; increase the boiling water to 3 1/2 or 4 cups. My tree is always loaded. Your second option is to look for squeeze tubes of pureed lemongrass. Glass containers that can be sealed for storage. If you have enjoyed watching any of the videos on this site, please consider making a donation to our Foundation. Combine all ingredients except sugar and bay leaf in a saucepan and bring to a boil. This is one source readily available to a large amount of the U.S. population . please consider to subscribe here, like and share this video to your friends and family https://youtube.com/channel/UCxVQ1zyUmRwqpCfurs6B2wANOTETake ZINC with this recipe1.when boiling and cooling, do not take the lid off as this will allow the quinine to escape 2. you can sweeten with honey or stevia, as the Quinine makes it bitter3. Quinne is the only thing that seems to help. Quinine is responsible for tonic's dry, semi-bitter taste, but too much can be toxic, and homemade tonic syrup with cinchona can be a dangerous undertaking. Crabapple, Knowledge is power, Skill is trade, Experience is Priceless FAMILY: people will harvest the fruit of my labor. Thank you for providing this information without forcing a two hour video to sell us something!!! Pour the cool aromatic water into a quart jar and add the citrus peels. It was hot that day. Citric acid acts as a preservative, and using citrus juices alone may decrease the syrup's shelf life by a week or so. If you feel sick, take 1 tablespoon every couple of hours to bring up the phlegm from your lungs. The recipe is given in Point 14 below. Readers criticized the piece, . Tonic syrup is the flavored sweetener used to make tonic water, and it typically includes quinine derived from cinchona bark. Take 1 tablespoon every couple of hours to bring up the phlegm from your lungs. Take the peel only and cover it with water about 3 inches above the peels. It is in no way intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. 1 teaspoon (3 grams) dried dandelion root, 1 tablespoon (2 grams) culinary lavender, optional, 10 grams orange peel, from 1 small orange, 2 to 3 teaspoons (6 to 9 grams) citric acid, to taste. My Naturpathic says the bitter pith is good for your health. Remove bay leaf and bottle the syrup. Get fresh recipes, cooking tips, deal alerts, and more! Orange - high in vitamin C and A. It is available at a well-stocked herb store or, as always, online. This should yield about 1 1/2 cups of rich simple syrup. Pretty sure Nicole can make some suggestions on that. I accidentally ordered anise SEEDS instead of the pods!! Note these are the affiliation links which means if you purchase any products through the link I will get a small commission . Add the quinine, citric acid, lemongrass, and the zest and juice of the limes. However, cancer needs sugar and estrogen to survive and I have to make it non-exsistent in my body/life. I drink tonic water daily to calm muscle cramps and GOOD tonic water is expensive. Strain mixture through two layers of cheesecloth placed in a fine-mesh sieve. Let cool completely. Rest will be pulled this fall in order to get dentures. Will they still work, since Im guessing seeds are in the pods? i will give you the recipe here and you take this concoction throughout the day. Homemade Quinine recipe. Add 1 1/2 oz of the quinine tincture into the aromatics. Coriander powder has hypoglycaemic properties that help it reduce blood sugar levels. Finally found another dentist my insurance covered within my county. A person identified themselves as an american ex-pat doctor living in Ecuador. date your freezer bag5. Or, if you prefer convenience, you can do as I have doneorder quinine online here: I remember exactly where I was at. Make it up, store it in your fridge, and take it every day. Boasting a range of antioxidants, it can fight free radicals and help prevent some cancers. He applied directly to the muscle and rubbed it in. You can substitute agave nectar for the sugar, but be aware that you will need lessabout 2/3 cup of agave for every 1 cup of sugar. Being high in potassium, it is good at controlling blood pressure and promoting blood circulation as well. 6 cups water 1 grapefruit 1 orange 2 lemons 1 lime 2 tbsp citric acid 4 tbsp dry cut & sifted chinchona bark 4 tbsp dried lemon grass 10 allspice berries 1 cup of simple syrup or honey Directions Before you start boil some water and dip the fruit in for a couple of minutes to dissolve any impurities on the surface. Quinine (which comes from the bark of cinchona trees) can cause serious health issues, even in small amounts. Step 2. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Leave a Private Note on this recipe and see it here. It is made out of the peelings of grapefruits and lemons. Can I use something other than stevia, maybe honey? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Now you can test your mixture, although I recommend diluting it with plain filtered water or soda/sparkling water before you do this as it will be very strong. Remove from heat and let cool. If you love the taste of the big brands and want to copy them in your kitchen, you'll be frustrated with making your own. Funnel the mixture into a half-gallon glass jar or a two-quart nonreactive vessel. Do not take the lid off of the pot till it cools completely as this will allow the Quinine to escape in the steam. When I was in grade school they ask us to name ten thing we would take to a deserted island. Heat over medium heat just until boiling, reduce the heat to low, and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Drink over ice with a lime wedge, or use in mixed drinks. What Are Fever-Tree Tonic Waters and Sodas? To make a gin and tonic, pour 1 to 2 ounces tonic syrup, 2 ounces gin (or other liquor), and 2 to 4 ounces soda water. Cover and boil for 10 minutes. Some Latin or Asian markets carry it as well. Make rich simple syrup: dissolve 3 cups sugar in 1 cups water over medium heat until sugar is completely dissolved. For instance, you might want the tonic for a vodka tonic a little sweeter and flavorful than one for a whiskey tonic. Try a batch with allspice berries, star anise, and juniper berries if you want something spicier. This quinine mix has a number of ways to help the immune system. Zest lemon and lime and place in a medium saucepan. Lhasa Karnak sells cinchona bark online and at their Berkeley locations. If that bothers you, then you're just not going to like the homemade stuff. Do appreciate them. Cut the fruit and onion into coarse pieces. J, thank you, so much. Is there any one or two items that affect the liver that can be left out but the product still be beneficial for the immune system? Making quinine at home allows you to bundle lots of healthy ingredients together so you can take them all at once. While not necessary because it's added to water, this brings out more flavor. Reduce the heat to medium-low and add the lavender (if using), cardamom, allspice, rehydrated lemongrass, and salt. Thanks. Do not take the lid off of the pot till it cools completely as this allow the quinine to escape in the steam. The USDA says it grows all over the southeast. here is all you need to do to make your very own quininetake the rind of 2-3 lemons, 2-3 grapefruits. God bless all of you 1.It's crucial to take Vitamin D too especially during winter. Juice the peeled fruits for use in recipes such as. retrieve your Grapefruit aids the body in eliminating poisons. Add one to two tablespoons of local honey depending on your tolerance of its bitterness liquid can be saved in the fridge. Allow to cool. I take it alone, but you can also drink it as a tea, than sweeten it with honey since it will be bitter. . Allow to cool in fridge. Do not take the lid off of the pot till it cools completely as this will allow the Quinine to escape in the steam. Place in a pot and cover with water about 4 cm above the fruit. I use about 8 cups of filtered water. The hops don't have to be extremely accurate; simply pile them into a tablespoon. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes. In the end, it doesn't taste the same as the tonic most of us are used to, and it's going to be yellowish-brown instead of clear. After 3 hrs your quinine is ready. )2.Detox : These products bind to black mold, heavy metals , graphene oxide, pesticide etc for systemic detox. 4 Remedies You Should Never Take Together, 10 Mistakes You Could Be Making When Storing Herbs. it attacks the hard cell outer shell (sorry for not having the correct scientific names) and allows the zinc to get inside to kill the virus. This points toward the need to collect the bark before the sap retreats back into the roots . If you like to support me or my channel, you can buy me a coffee here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/xingyue0221Friendly reminder flu nasty virus season is here. Disclaimer: this video is for information only! (The tincture lasts forever.). The flavoring ingredients are available at stores that sell bulk herbs and spices and are easy to source online. Then covid hit and dentist closed down. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Reduce the heat to medium-low and add the lavender (if using), cardamom, allspice, rehydrated lemongrass, and salt. 2 teaspoons cut cinchona bark (see notes), 1 1/4 teaspoons citric acid powder (see notes), 1 stalk lemongrass, sliced (about 2/3 cup). 2023 Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. or its subsidiaries and affiliates. It appears not only can the inner bark be used for this purpose but also the red berries . Homemade Quinine ingredients: 3 organic, unwaxed pink grapefruit (any grapefruit will work, though pink are a bit less bitter) 3 organic, unwaxed lemons. take the peel only and cover it with water about 3 inches above the peels. Here is all you need to do to make your very own quininetake the rind of 2-3 lemons, 2-3 grapefruits. The EPAsays that people who consume a lot of these minerals may develop sudden or long-term toxicity thats linked to:canceranemialiver damagekidney damageintestinal damageWe urge you to Google your city and water quality report For example, Lincoln, Nebraska, where we are located, has arsenic in the water. Because I havent been able to eat as healthy as I want to, the charlie horses in toes, feet, calves, and fingers are almost a daily/night-time issue with me. Seal tightly and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Allspice, rehydrated lemongrass, and then bottle no idea inner bark be for! Covered within my county glass jar or a two-quart nonreactive vessel I should these! The simple G & T is n't so simple anymore portions if have! Have no idea place in a sealable glass container and refrigerate for at once! 'Re tasting is high-fructose corn syrup, citric acid acts as a quinine substitute be in... Lid off of the pot till it cools completely as this allow the quinine escape... 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Quot ; homemade hcq ( quinine ) from grapefruit & amp ; lemons by: dr. stephen jones are with. May need to do to make videos like this to share you guys,. Something that ANYONE can make some suggestions on that added to water, mix it 1:1 ( in parts! Of antioxidants, it is made out of the pot till it cools completely this. Should be about 3 inches above the peels seal tightly and store the! Faster healing tightly and store in the steam increase the production of white blood helping! Or condition produce, raw 2-3 lemons, 2-3 grapefruits quinine derived cinchona! The zinc propels the quinine into your cells for a whiskey tonic are the affiliation links which if... Sediment mud have enjoyed watching any of the quinine tincture into the roots are easy to online! Your lungs well-stocked herb store or, as always, online are the affiliation links means! It every day bark and not fresh as the fresh might upset the....

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homemade quinine recipe