How long will it take to return to normal? An infected belly button piercing after pregnancy can happen. Learn about losing weight after pregnancy here. If we don't change, we don't grow. Although mainly used to manage umbilical hernias in infants, it can also change the appearance of the belly button. and then taking action from there.". With an in-person consultation, you can see whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. Email:, If you liked this article, you may also enjoy. Use a sterile saline solution to soak the area for 5 to 10 minutes daily. However, most follow a similar outline. There are a few differing factors when considering an umbilicoplasty. "Navel piercings in the millennial-plus demographic was a very, very, very common thing to do," says Chicago-based board-certified plastic surgeon Julius Few. That all means that there is a chance that your piercing might cause some pain, tenderness, and redness. The stomach and breasts grow. But although it's generally safe, it makes sense to remove the piercing in some situations . I think the stretch happened because I never took out or changed the ring to allow for stretching of the skin????? You just did a remarkable thing, and some changes to your appearance are totally normal. Your best option is what is known as a "reverse abdominoplasty". In less populated areas, the procedure is more affordable. Schedule your complimentary consultation to find out if this procedure is right for you. What is my options ? If you keep your belly button piercing during pregnancy, know that you could experience some discomfort as your abdomen stretches to make room for your baby. Soon-to-be-parents who choose to keep their piercing intact for nine months may find their pre-pregnancy jewelry uncomfortable, especially if their belly button pops. Sit down and place your legs straight out in front of your body. No. It is important to be certain the person performing your surgery has experience doing so successfully. Can You Dye Your Hair While Pregnant? I had my belly button pierced for about 4 years before i got pregnant. Although body piercings are safe when done in a sterile environment, they have their risks. Will my belly button ever go back to normal after pregnancy? 2. So, what will your belly piercing look like postpartum? is reader-supported. If you choose to keep a belly button piercing during pregnancy, take steps to keep the surrounding skin as clean as possible. These cells play a role in the production of collagen and elastin, both of which help firm and tighten the skin. 37F, 5'2, 125lbs. This could cause redness, tiny tears, and soreness around the belly button. You can also contract certain illnesses like Hep B and C, and HIV although this is very rare if you have your piercing done at a professional studio. During your meeting, Dr. Gabby will work with you to design your ideal belly button repair procedure. I wouldn't imagine any new scars should be visible when it's all done.Good Luck! Those who have plenty of experience in the field use proper equipment and are less likely to spread blood-borne illnesses. It's heartbreaking. My belly button looks sad. Considering laser tattoo removal? Your exact recovery will depend on your belly button procedure. hard painful lump under skin below belly button. I had putin a ring a few weeks ago and it was so think i could almost see the ring through my skin. Navel or belly button piercings are a form of self-expression. Instead, they tend to become bigger and prone to infection. However, reducing strain on your belly button is vital for the best results. Address Contact a doctor to get treatment. So, if youre feeling comfortable, you can safely enjoy your bejeweled bump. There is little evidence to support claims that firming oils or creams can help reduce loose skin after pregnancy. I would like to improve the appearance of my tummy. Wholesomealive is an online healthcare media publishing website. "That kind of bioplastic jewelry or retainer bends with your body and from what I hear, is just more comfortable for women," says Castillo. When the abdomen expands rapidly during pregnancy, it can leave loose skin or a stretched out appearance to the belly button. Although most studies focus on facial wrinkles, the results of oral collagen supplementation are promising. If you have a vaginal delivery, a belly button piercing doesnt get in the way. And if tiny tears develop around your belly button, there is a slight risk of infection. It remains sensitive and prone to bleeding for a long while afterwards, and so it is sensible to avoid strenuous exercise for a few weeks. Because of that heightened risk, if you recently got your belly button pierced before you found out you were expecting, it's probably best to take the ring out if the area hasn't healed yet (for example, it's still red) and re-do it after baby's arrival. Washing the piercing to clean away the debris or crusties that pile up over time. Meaning that it wont close up, no matter how long you dont wear it. Your California Privacy Rights. It's a matter of dexterity and being able to see what you're doing," explains Adrian Castillo, an artist at 108 Studios, with 11 years of body piercing experience and who estimates he has 'several thousands' of navel piercings in the books. A larger hole combined with a slower healing time puts you at risk of an infection. A scar revision could remove the loose redundant skin, but put a bigger scar above your naval than you already have. Help with child care may be necessary after a procedure because of restrictions around lifting weights. According to a recent survey on piercings and tattoos, 46% of respondents between 18 and 29 years stated they like belly button piercing for women. Belly button pain during pregnancy could be caused due to pressure from the uterus, stretching, infection, or umbilical hernia, among other reasons. Research the piercers near you and find a licensed and trained practitioner. 30 Irresistible Shoulder Tattoos for Women. It can take as long as 2 years for a belly button piercing to heal completely. Unlike a tummy tuck, an umbilicoplasty is considered a minor surgery and only takes only a few days to recover from. It is important to note that the uterus can take about 6 weeks to contract to its prepregnancy size, and it can take several months for the body to shed the extra weight that it gained during pregnancy. I do not want a full tummy tuck, so hoping umbilicoplasty might be an option? Breastfeeding. This ornament requires proper aftercare. The most practical and successful method of preventing pregnancy is using contraceptives. Check out our Zodiac Center! Just when you thought plastic surgery had covered just about every niche, along comes a new procedure that will make many people do a double take. Helping your belly button after pregnancy is a matter of time and the correct exercises. Thats because they are widespread and require targeted treatment. ; 6 Does loose skin from pregnancy go away? I do however, have a nasty stretch mark in between the piercing and my belly button and the skin is very thin. A balanced diet rich in vitamins, proteins, and fats will help build muscle and boost collagen, which is an essential protein for healthy, firm skin. This makes it prone to injury or infection. saggy belly button piercing after pregnancy. Other options include cryotherapy, compression, or surgery. In cases such as these, you can expect a scar, infection, or a keloid to form when the hole closes up. Its important to focus on these misconceptions so that people will know what they are getting themselves into. Surgically closing up belly button piercings is a remarkably straightforward procedure. Call our team today at (310) 205-9500 to schedule your consultation! Learn more about what to eat and avoid during pregnancy. (2018). in English at Wright State University. Piercing aftercare focuses on regular hygiene. People can use it to tighten the skin anywhere on the body. It was originally used to treat umbilical hernias in infants. Answer: Pregnancy and umbilical piercing Unfortunately there is no perfect answer. From board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals Sort by Recommended VOTED MOST HELPFUL February 22, 2015 Answer: Umbilicoplasty after umbilical piercing Having the piercing tract ("tunnel") removed surgically can be performed under local anesthesia and may improve your appearance. Don't be afraid to ask, 'Is this starting to look bad?' With severe infections, doctors can suggest antibiotics or additional medical treatment. This shows that they take great care in the services they provide, experts suggest. I was trying scar treatment from the drug store, and even vitamin E. When I finish with this, I want to have my belly button re-pierced. Last medically reviewed on August 11, 2020, There are many causes of loose, sagging skin, including aging, rapid weight loss, and pregnancy. In this article, we look at what these individuals can do to improve the appearance of loose skin after pregnancy. Guest I'm back to my ore pregnancy weight and my stomach is very flat but mg belly button is so saggy due to my belly piercing :( how could I fix this!? What happens to belly button piercing after pregnancy? We can fix that. Sagging breasts after breastfeeding. Treating the stretch marks takes more than just removing the pierced skin. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. After all, crop tops were the top du jour for the spring and summer of 2021. I weigh 125 lbs and I am 5'5. For many patients, most commonly women who were pregnant, suffering from an umbilical hernia is the reason behind their desire for a better belly button.,,,,,,,,,,, Here's how to avoid stretching and scarring if you have a piercing, according to plastic surgeons and piercers. Apply a small amount of soap on the new piercing and the area for about 30 seconds. The belly button piercing trend is still going strong. Perform 20 repetitions with each leg. A scar revision could remove the loose redundant skin, but put a bigger scar above your naval than you already have. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. After the outer layer of skin is sutured, the area will be cleaned and dressed to protect the site, and you will be ready to go! Excess skin around the belly is normal after pregnancy. The best way to treat the belly button piercing after pregnancy scar is to talk to a dermatologist. I am not wanting a tummy tuck, just repair of my belly button. Kept piercing in for both pregnancies. As a result, the skin can crack open. And youll be able to go home on the very same day. The OWH note that exercise is safe during pregnancy, when women should aim to do at least 2.5 hours of moderate intensity aerobic exercise every week. If you have a keloid on your belly button piercing, here is how to treat them and what you can do to prevent them. However, you can also have a 'deflated' belly button following abdominal procedures, significant weight loss, or pregnancy. After 2 pregnancies and an old navel piercing, I am hopeful that belly button surgery might help the appearance of the hooded look of my navel and also possibly get rid of some of the stretch marks above the navel. Yash - September 20, 2022. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Answer: Pregnancy and umbilical piercing. And your piercing might make a tight situation even tighter. It was originally used to treat umbilical hernias in infants. You can also apply a topical antibacterial ointment to the skin. The affected area can also develop redness. For most cases, it requires only a local anesthetic to keep you fully comfortable. As your bump grows, your skin tightens around your belly button. If you have minor tearing or injury to your belly button due to stretching of your skin, washing the area with warm water and antibacterial soap can help prevent an infection. Whatever the reason, there are a few popular procedures that can rejuvenate your belly button into something you are proud to show off. The holes from the belly button piercing pregnancy dont really heal. If you remove a belly button piercing before it fully heals, keep your navel area and surrounding skin clean to prevent infection. Gently ease yourself back into exercise after your piercing, listening to your body the whole time. 31 years old, after having my third and last child the skin above my belly button began to sag, I work out and I've lost the weight from my stomach area but now I just have the skin that's wrinkly.. Medical experts recommend breastfeeding for at least six months, which can also be beneficial to your health and your baby's development. What is it and what can I do about it? Getting pierced while pregnant poses an unnecessary risk of infection, allergic reaction, or blood-borne illness. Having a belly button piercing is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries, but many people do not take advantage of the scar relief it offers. Thats because of the physical changes that can happen to the human body during this period. You may want to consider re-piercing, to cover and camouflage the changes. I had my belly button pierced a couple years before I got pregnant and did not want to take my piercing out. Tips for keeping a belly button piercing while pregnant, Tips for taking out a belly button piercing while pregnant,,, Keloid on Belly Button Piercing: What to Do About It. Did you ever have this re done? When the pain becomes intense and is accompanied by fever and swelling, this could be a red flag for a severe infection. Outie belly buttons can be something you are born with or could result from pregnancy or physical exertion. It is FREE! Here they are: 1. After all, this is a badge of honor you should wear with pride! Its always focused on fending off invading pathogens, germs, or fungi. If you wear it long enough, the hole is lined with the skin. During pregnancy, your stomach has gained weight, and your belly button may protrude outward. Is it safe to keep it in during your pregnancy? Had my 2nd baby 6 months ago (finished having kids). Lean back farther and lift your feet off the ground for an advanced version of this exercise. There will be enough time to let the piercing heal before I get pregnant with my second child. In recent years, it's become a popular cosmetic surgery. There are two primary causes for ear piercings becoming larger over time: wearing heavy earrings for long periods and purposefully stretching earlobes using spacers. By. Farley has an Associate of Science in mental health services from the Community College of the Air Force and is pursuing her B.A. However, diet and exercise can help reduce the appearance of loose skin after pregnancy over time. Lie on an exercise mat with your hands under your rear end. However, they may not be suitable for severe cases of loose skin. When pregnant, the belly stretches. Hold your hands together directly in front of your chest, or hold a medicine ball with both hands. It involves going in to deepen the belly button and reshape it to the desired look. If you choose to take your piercing out, for the time being, theres a chance the hole might close. Getting a good range of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy will help support a growing fetus and keep energy levels up. Women who keep their navel piercing when carrying tend to feel some discomfort as the belly stretches. Some exercises that strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles, such as Pilates and yoga, are also safe to do during pregnancy. Also, some belly buttons pop during pregnancy (think: transform from a valley to a hill) and this could make things even more uncomfortable. Some women have loose skin around their belly buttons after removing a navel piercing or losing a significant amount of weight and are aiming to tighten up the skin for a sleeker-looking midsection. And if tiny tears develop around your belly button, there is a slight risk of infection. Core strength exercises, such as Pilates, yoga, and barre, can help tighten and tone muscles in the stomach, which may help improve the appearance of loose skin. Our advice? Copyright 2019 PREJUVENATION, LLC. Loose skin may never regain its prepregnancy appearance without medical treatment. I don't know. In fact, TikTok videos featuring the belly ring racked up almost 50 million views. In this post. To prepare for this possibility, some expecting mothers remove their belly button piercing before heading to the hospital, just in case. Instead, the stretched-out hole remains. One method of reducing loose skin is to remove it surgically. All rights reserved. Your growing bump may also mean that your piercing rubs against your clothes. The goal of umbilicoplasty is to give the bellybutton a more vertical shape instead . Learn about recovering from a tummy tuck here. Also, belly button piercings might get in the way of delivery particularly if you are having a c-section. Afterward, you can enjoy showing off your belly button with confidence! Can it be repaired to look round/oval again? Changing your beauty and self-care regime during pregnancy. This motion will help to tighten your abdominal muscles and pull your belly button inward. ; 5 Does postpartum saggy belly go away? Thoroughly rinse afterward. From birth onward, there are ample opportunities for it to become damaged or altered. Regardless of which procedure you opt for, the popularity of the so-called "mommy makeovers" continues to soar (Teitelbaum says that the post-pregnancy patient is his "most common patient"), meaning that the skill and technology involving procedures for the stomach and belly button are safer and more effective to patients' desired results than ever before. Umbilicoplasty is on the rise, and here's what you need to know about this up and coming procedure. Fast forward a couple of years in the future, and a huge number of women with belly button rings will become mothers. Signs of an infection can include redness, skin thats warm to the touch, and drainage from the navel. Will an umbilicoplasty work in my case? The shop you get the piercing must be sanitary and clean. (or its affiliates) and/or licensed to it (or its affiliates) and are protectable by applicable copyrights and other intellectual property laws and international conventions. Trunk Rotations. The infection is known for creating pus or fluid, which develops a bad smell. A qualified piercer shares the number of years they worked in the industry. Some women who had a navel piercing and had children might find the area around the piercing accumulating stretch marks. New moms seem to be especially interested in this procedure after recovering from a pregnancy. But, dont dwell on it too much. After you get the piercing, make sure the area is properly healed before you begin strenuous physical activity. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. Minor infections are usually managed with at-home treatment. Yet, their minimalistic design and muted colors are the go-to choices for many. This hole of the pregnancy belly button ring wont return to the way it was before. When the piercing closes, it can leave a scar. why am I bleeding from the belly button? Of course, even if you plan for a vaginal delivery, circumstances can rapidly change. First off, wait a few months for your body to heal. I think I'm allergic to metal for my belly piercing!! More from The 411: I hope it doesn't rip. I don't want major surgery like a tummy tuck when overall I'm happy. Before you get a belly button piercing, there are a few things you should know. And fortunately, it is safe to keep a piercing throughout a pregnancy, if its fully healed. But you dont need to react so quickly. 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