i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

They would cruise by give a friendly wag and meander off to go wander the yard. Lady your dog is leading your life. He wanted a baby so hopefully he will enjoy our baby. Your allergies seem much more extreme but I have minor allergies to my boyfriends dog and it makes my nose itch its so frustrating. I broke up with him because I saw no possible way for this to work, and I didnt want to force him to choose between me and the dog. Trust me. Human loyalty is as malleable as clay and frankly I find it pathetic that so many people turn their noses up at these facts because they refuse to acknowledge that were basically ticking biological machines such as they are. And when I dontobey him by responding to him(like in a text or in a face to face communication)when he thinks I should respond(like his dog; always loving)he compares it! the dogs can sleep there and feel like theyre still in bed with me. Your householders have allergies to dogs. Your siginifgant other most of the time will never care for the pet the way you do only put uo with it because they love you and let me tell you women that goes a long ways if your anything like me. My partner and I have been living together for a year now. Why would you want your dog in the kitchen where human food is prepared and served? I knew she had them, and I honestly didnt think it would be a problem. I am still sad but know it is for the best and that I would never be happy. Everything she does her licking, her staring, her panting. After the second year of marriage I began to realize that my wifes focus was more on her dogs than on me. I have always thought to myself that I could never get together with someone who had ever been cruel to animals, so I broke up and stayed on my own reflecting for a few days. She paws and scratches at my side of th bed all night. I strongly disagree and when I said this, he got really angry at me. that worked but I think that some of the problem of bob will just repeating self because the problem is not the animal its the owner. Im pregnant and due in a few weeks and have hit a point where I need him to get rid of the dog. Who else would think its cool to never clean after their dog? How do we work on this, she wont compromise. And beau can sense it. I tell the dog no, but she just looks at me with clueless look and then runs crazy laps around the apartment. It is all something he is obligated to do, it doesnt come from the heart or a place of concern because if it did we wouldnt be having these arguments and if he just did what he is supposed to do in terms of training, we definitely wouldnt have these arguments. How I talk to the cat and greet him(mind you, my husband went through a depression from losing his job and Id come home to his scowl looking face and Mango would run to me for his greeting-Im sorry? I refuse to allow some brat of an animal ruin things that I have worked hard and paid for. Divorce him. Its hard. So my (27F) boyfriend (32M) lives with me. Making the responsibility of the dog fall on me, hard with a toddler, infant, and working full time as a nurse practitioner. I actually use to really enjoy his dogs company, but ever since my fianc and I moved in together (this being our first time living together), I see things a little bit more clearly when it comes to the dog. Its good that there are normal dog owners like you. I am 32, and this dog will probably live another 3-5 years. Once you can accept that concept you may not have as many difficulties with your SO. Firstly, they drool so seeing them drool around the kitchen table was gross (she called it cute, not cute!). After she left I spoke with my friend who told me the comment and I as l was hurt and livid. Id chosen the colour of the carpets and walls and was so excited showing him. They are spoiled though. I should have seen the signs of this before moving in with him :-(. Well that turned into a massive power struggle in which he would get mad every time I actually suggested/implemented anything because he thought I was either being unreasonable or somehow hurting his dog. The hair is floating everywhere and sticking to everything. These dogs have done $8,000 to my brand new home and this has destroyed what should have been a great time in our lives and a time of healing. From the actions he does with her, its hard not to feel jealous or a little hurt by all of this. Hes out of town for work a lot and I get stuck caring for the little jerk. I used to think, if the dog and I were drowning, who would he save? But, they can pay for them, care for them, take them to the vet, pick up their poo, bathe them, get up at the butt crack of dawn to let them out, this and that. [Nutritional Info], Read This If You Cant Sleep Without Your Dog [5 Tips], Read This If You Dont Have Time For Your Dog. I will wait untill the dog dies and then he sells that house and we get our own place together and NO DOGS!!! I found him tripping and cant see where dog is helping him at all. We recently moved out but only temporarily, we are doing friends a favour and staying in their house until is is sold, as it is for sale. Much like a child that begged for a dog and the dog then became the mothers problem. Hes sometimes licking feet and legs and she finds it gross but I think hes just trying to show love. So, your significant other has a dog, and youve told them that its either the dog or you. Things are getting bad. Why would he want to lure her away? Peeing in the bed and around the house? It doesnt mean he has to get rid of it as a family member has a farm where he takes it everyday to work anyway and the response I got was- its going nowhere and I was evil, so he choose to go with it! Yet most of the time something will always get in the way. I mean, he will come up to me after waking up maybe an hour or two after I have already woken and says he was on the bed and smirks about it like its a joke. My fianc has a dog that it totally above me, I cannot tell you how many times he has questioned are relationship over the dog. He wants to get rid of the dog, but I know that this poor pup just needs some consistency, time, and a shot at unconditional love. When he got his pup thats where mostly all his focus went. i wanted to embark on a new relationship, and instead of prevented from doing so, because of the current interference from the cat. Because those relationships arent real relationships. He doesnt clean it when he does, I do. He spent a weekend and came to his senses about the dog in the bed. At the end of our relationship, she was saying that her dogs love her unconditionally and shes told me when we were together that she had them around the table and on her couch/bed as shes been alone for a long time. People reading this may think that is paranoia, but I assure them its not. I have always simply assumed one day I would have a dog of my own, as dogs have always been a big part of my life. I cant even put the dog in a crate. I have not ever hated dogs. However, I have for the better part of 5 years been living/co-habitating with one dog or another in a 1000 sq ft with my now fiance. :( any advice? Its an everyday task and some days even more difficult and Im hoping some god in the universe gives me the strength and tolerance to overcome this situation. Theres highly rated dog food for 1.1/kg but she wouldnt think of it. Any helpful advice please? Theres no way I would want a dog in the bedroom at all let alone in the same bed, and theres no way I would expect any partner of mine to accept it if I had one. I have tried to compromise with him. If you can't value your boyfriend's relationship with his dog, and the responsibility that he's taken on by having a dog in the first place, you need to take a good, hard look in the mirror. I do not sleep in the bed because of itching smell and the constant licking. Hitting an animal is never acceptable a puppy is just like a baby it needs love and attenion he learns from play just like children. That is how you hate a significant others dog. Every dog site pushes the same narrative: there are no limits to what a dog is entitled to (along with ads for expensive trash to buy Fido). Then, to make matters worse, he got another goldendoodle puppy last year, so now we have TWO huge, unruly, hyper, untrained dogs in the house. Im not a fan of bulldogs. Sometimes the bond is instant and sometimes its not. Im not sure what to do at this point, most angry pet owners will just say to leAve or end it. Thats when I moved into the 2nd bedroom. Ive even had people ask me why do you even have a dog? These people are seriously detached from reality. My fianc and I have been together for 13 years. and cherry on top she has a problem when we cuddle and affectionate. I have a similar problem with a different dynamic To summarise, I love dogs. You can be confident the vast majority of sane humans would feel the same dogs are not babies, theyre animals sure, some can be cute and cuddly, but they have to have boundries, and whilst some of you dog owners may choose to overlook these things, the facts remain that having them sleep in your bedroom does present health and cleanliness issues, even for the most tolerant people: the smell, shedding, drooling, farting, fleas, mites.. not to mention clean clothes and carpets covered in dog hair.. yuk! Firstly, she has a medium sized dog that is a complete house dog. It started to get to the point of me doing most the dog duties. I never thought in my life I would have to give up my animals. A never-ending saga of stupid gross events. I want to find the dog a new home while my boyfriend is in love with the dog and wants to keep her even though hes at work all day and only sees her at night for a couple hours. I asked dont you care about my feelings & apparently in this issue he doesnt. Even to the point that while pregnant I was down on my hands and knees cleaning the bathroom floor where he and his son pee in the floor. (Sigh) Were trying to find solutions in the meantime. Look the dog fanatics are crazed control freaks who cannot exist with ordinary people and use the dogs, who cannot talk back, to affirm their need for adoration and control. It is almost like being married to both brothers. I hate to think that this is it for the relationship but I love my cats too much. It justs neverending. Why on earth would she even allow an argument to start over this. At one point my partner said his would have to go as our relationship is more important, I didnt feel too good about it as I know my partner loves her, then he waited hoping that I would change my mind, then he said how would I feel if he felt like that towards my dog and recently he has started picking him, possibly tit for tat or to prove a point. When we first moved in together almost a year ago, I told my boyfriend that i dont let animals sleep in the bed (even my two cats whom I love to death), and he said that was fine with him. good luck! He thinks it is his kid, and even takes it to daycare everyday. My only resort left is to Im thinking put the dog down because she isnt leaving me any other choice. She sits between your legs staring at you while you eat. I know he would probably have a fit. We have hardwood. And a marriage. First of all, its NOT cool that your bf yells at his dog and doesnt treat her well. Otherwise, the dog was great. I love animals and would have more if I could but three is my limit for time and budget. Visit a shelter "just for fun.". My story is that I met my now boyfriend about 7 years ago, and we lived separately up until 6 months ago. I want it to work. I hope youre ok? Your boyfriend is a hater, and he is jealous of your dog. They were very terrified. Its about him not caring enough about you to make you a priority and that tells me that he doesnt value the relationship to be a healthy life partner unfortunately. Adopting a dog is expensive, and you live on a budget. Me." Their handsome long-haired dog was fed prime cuts of meat, brushed and hugged frequently, and taken. As I told her, a dog does not have the capacity to hold space with a human in the same manner of a fellow human being; when my friend has issues in her life, her dog cannot provide feedback and advice on how to navigate through the problem, however, her husband can; her dog does not provide a roof over her head, food, clothing, and everything else that adorns her life of privilege, yet her husband does. People like you are IMPORTANT in this world. Her hair gets e v e r y w h e r e. At night we are forced to put her in the kitchen because she crawls up on the couch while we are sleeping, and its obvious because the couch is covered in fur. If you dont agree then thats why youre single. He wont go on vacation because she doesnt like being boarded! Im just worried I dont know how to breach this gap, explain how I look at dogs in a different way. About a year ago, we got our home renovated and our bathroom upstairs was done beautifully, problem is, we cant really use it because that is his home. He had me promise that I would train a new one as well as I did my last. The guy I am with hates dogs with a bloody passion and I have THREE. Pet lovers are really just nasty softcore beastiality enthusiasts. Since we have been together 7 years now, problems have started popping up. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years. I actually wanted to leave in the very beginning, but tried to make it work. Because IT could die!!! Here are why your dog might poop inside the house. Like ever, even be on the bed and they didnt spend hard hours in school for nothing. Hahahaha to funny & true! Founded in 1996, Sam The Dog Trainer is a private, Phoenix-based company that provides on-site and online dog training services specifically designed to enhance the relationships between dogs and their owners. My biggest problem is the way she treats the animal. She freaked and bit me. He has a dog that is 81% wolf and the rest husky and is the most poorly behaved dog I have ever been around. With the dogs, I feel we never have no privacy when we are at home and I rather be out so we have quality time together without me hearing the constant names of the dogs in sweet voices. Can I put my foot down? People get dogs for their own selfish reasons, treat them like humans, and it ends up being so detrimental to the poor dog. It has chewed a few things it shouldnt and I dont always feel enthusiatic about walks but its generally okay (only 8 months). A significant relationship with another human or a lesser, much lesser relationship with an animal. Thanks, My husband got a dog this dog is always up his a%s so one nite I told him he should of married the dog he give that dog a lot of attention and yes it get old. I was tired of this and enforced her laying down, but then it was a battle of her getting up and my telling her to lay down. Our four year old daughter has been bitten four times leaving bleeding wounds each time. when this happens then the child also feels like the animals needs are more important. I spent the first two months cleaning her hair out of everything. At once, while moving along, you see your puppy, Breeds Starting With A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, Contact Me | About Me | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Site Map. Family too but the dog will stay. But everything is secret im not allowed to know anything whats going on, she secretly talks to our kids behind closed doors and i have no authority over them or my money goes into the bank weekly with no clue where it goes i must say she earns more than me i think, and i get sleep back to back with her and a dog!. He is so impulsive when he eats and throws up his food then eats it up again! A partner than doesnt take care of their dog, doesnt train it, give it exercise or give it what it needs ( not wants) is the problem not the dog. @BK. Maybe hes just adjusting to the new place. It was my birthday gift. You have to find conpromise. When I just arrived, he didnt want me to sleep with him because he didnt want to disturb the dogs, who slept in the bed every night! And I would have. ! For god sakes! Best of luck !! One of each. He has rescued two cats and three dogs over the years. I dont know when this started, but she has also started peeing in the bed. I hate when people compare dirty animals to human babies it is not the same. I love my husband, he is a fantastic man, in every way. My husband told me he was okay with another dog, but I should have known better (having gotten rid of the first one because of his whining and complaints). They are the selfish ones with no respect. Please advise ? I never thought a pet could cause a breakup but this thing is about to. It shows she not only has any idea how pets work, but what is really helpful for someone who is depressed. Your GF is obviously favoriting her dog while mistreating yours which I find a little weird. I never knew that I would ever feel about animals because like i said, I have always loved animals and had animals growing up and took great care of them. UGH! I felt rushed to eat my dinner. I told her once I leave I will have sorrow the marriage didnt make it, but will probably find relief to have the yoke of that dog taken from around my neck. Why? I just dont know what to do. That wont change. He doesnt want to get rid of the dogs even though Ive calmly discussed how hes putting his feelings before mine & care more about his desire. In my WILDEST imagination, I never thought that a relationship could be so incredibly impacted by ANIMALS, or think that someone would put me 2nd, under their dogs. Visit a dog related website and you will see some strange stuff posted by dog nuts. he once told me oh no oh my you dont know dogs at all. I have a Boston terrier her name is Bailey I have had her for about 5 years.. What they dont understand is that dogs would do this to another dog: its not love at least not in the human sense its just animal instinct with imaginary human characteristics being bolted on. I understand. Its called triangulation, Sounds like your partner is a narcissist, please join a narcissist support group on Facebook and check for yourself. Im just sick and tired of this dog being higher on the totem pole than me and our kids. How do you get over saying you ended a relationship over a dog? They are well behaved most of the time but like anything they love attension and cuddles and he just cannot bare them. What do I do??? I dont want to smell like dog and I dont want my furniture, sheets, or anything else to smell like dog. It takes some longer than others but you cannot let them run a mock and if he sets and KEEPS the boundaries without whining about it and accepts it wholeheartedly, then things can move forward. He wrote me a text saying that he wants a divorce. The dog is all over the couch, and heaven for bit I leave anything on the couch that might stop the dog from getting on their at night to sleep; which the dog as an orthopedic bed that he bought him. Seriously, dogs do give me anxiety. I dont understand alot of things about this situation. A human relationship is more important because it requires another person to make you stretch and grow in ways that you couldnt on your own. Im sad to say that things have only gotten worse. Husband/boyfriend does. She had a 10 year old golden when we met and I bonded with both the girl and dog. Get help from neighbors. Ive been in a relationship with a dog nut and you get so frustrated because they just dont get it and never will. During the day she could just be loose. It does a good job pissing my dog off too, while it constantly paces about the kitchen looking for food. There is always pee there when we come home from work and many times, he didnt even hit the pad, just big puddles on the floor around him. I totally understand where you are coming from. Because she looks sad. Its to the point that we cant even go out to dinner if we dont have someone dog sit because his new found obsession is digging at the stucco on my house. The kids knock his dog bowl water out which I try to check as much as possible to refill and if partner comes home and sees water missing he gets mad with me Ive it basically saying Im neglecting his dog which makes me really angry. He jokes about what I would do if i came home one day and Nimbus (my dog) was gone. Puppies are like silly putty and if you put the time in then it is YOU that creates the dogs disposition. Because he hates dog hair even though whenever My dog did come to my boyfriends with me he would have to stay outside. She had the right to sit anywhere! Now, you cant leave the dog home alone for any longer than ten minuteshe destroys the carpet ripping and clawinghe craps in the house BC the grass is too long for himand oh dear god when theres snow?? If your pet is very important to you then from the get go you have to know that you must look for someone who also loves pets; otherwise this whole relationship thing is never going to work out. I said I would not get married if she slept in the bed. Omg, Im so happy I found this forum. She sleeps with me, but I groom her and rmb s in her diet and weekly toothbrush she doesnt have bad breath or fart. The husband/boyfriend can live with you until your old age. There are a few things you should try before giving the dog up. You can only imagine what the level of shedding can get to during hot summer months. The best solution Ive come up with is a giant ottoman (covered in blankets) pushed right up next to my side of the bed. I dont feel like she likes him anymore.. Our dog is a little sensitive to certain noises and he probably gets a little bored. The reality of relationships is, you really need two fairly like-minded people for them to be a success, at least certainly when it comes to day-to-day lifestyle. I dont want to ruin our relationship over this. You can ask your friends ask their family and close ones whether they need to adopt your dog because giving the dog to someone you already know is better. Later I said, hed save me and blame me for the dog dying. And was so excited showing him and if you dont know when this happens then the child feels. The point of me doing most the dog or you boyfriend ( )! Theyre still in bed with me home one day and Nimbus ( my dog ) was.! Get it and never will I asked dont you care about my feelings & in... 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i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog